목록전체 글 (55)
Okay so let me walk you through this. This problem in here what they're trying to do is that they will fall the ball in each columns respectively and they want to chek whether it could finally reach the last row. So each cell in the box has a diagonal line which could redirect a ball to the right or to the left. So like this case, this diagonal board could rediret the ball to the right / spans /..
1. Hardware This circuit is the circuit that drives usb_comn/ when the control signal is inserted into CHIP1. If you draw a logic circuit with two bit adders as transistors, you can draw it as follows. 2. Signal & Frequency A signal refers to a physical quantity that varies with time or space, carrying information that can be interpreted by an observer. Signals can be represented as a combinatio..
The operating system (OS) is a software program that manages and controls the hardware and software resources of a computer system. It is responsible for providing a platform for running applications, managing system resources such as memory, CPU, and I/O devices, and providing user interfaces for interacting with the system. 1. Process 1) Process A process in an operating system is a program th..
필요한것들 : AWS 계정 리눅스 배포판 : Ubuntu 16.04 Unix is an operating system developed at Bell Laboratories and has become the prototype of most modern computer operating systems. Most operating systems such as BSD, except for Windows, have Unix as their root. Originally based on an operating system called Multics[1], it is a multi-user server operating system, but is now also used for personal desktops ..
중요 표현 cross out = skip base cases = 0인 경우 예외케이스 accordingly = 적절하게,i,e) We move the pointers accordingly on the following two cases: intuition = 직관 comply with = follow
[English] [Korean] Given the root of a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of its nodes' values.
[English] [Korean] [문제 해석] There is a tree (i.e. a connected, undirected graph with no cycles) consisting of n nodes numbered from 0 to n - 1 and exactly n - 1 edges. 트리는 사이클이 없는 무방향 그래프이다. n개의 노드(정점)와 n-1개의 간선으로 구성된 트리가 있다. You are given a 0-indexed integer array vals of length n where vals[i] denotes the value of the ith node. You are also given a 2D integer array edges where edges[i] = [ai, b..
[Error] LNK2005 : "class std::basic_string __cdecl Advent::input(class std::basic_string)" (?input@Advent@@YA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@V23@@Z)이(가) Day02_1.obj에 이미 정의되어 있습니다. AdventOfCode2022 C:\Users\USER\Desktop\kay\study\AdventOfCode2022\AdventOfCode2022\AdventOfCode2022\Day03_1.obj 1 [Situation] When I call the function input(), compiler said that I alrea..