목록Embedded (5)
What is Make The make utility is a software tool for managing and maintaining computer programs consisting many component files. The make reads its instruction from Makefile (called the descriptor file) by default. Definition of Makefile A Makefile is like a set of instructions written for a construction project, guiding builders on how to efficiently put together a complex structure. In the wor..

8.9 다양한 Exception과 Memory 불량 Symptom *Exception 발생(Abort/Undefined Exception/Watchdog Reset) -> Stack 확인 (1) SDRAM 불량 8.10 JTAG와 ICD의 정체 ICE = In-Circuit Emulator = Host의 Debugger를 이용하여 Targer의 Register나 Memory 내용을 읽어오는 장비 T32 명령어 1) data.load.elf target.elf target.elf를 열어서 Emulation Memory elf 내부 & Target의 Memory에 binary를 써준다. => elf file에 있는 symbol table을 참고해서 현 주소의 symbol이 뭔지도 알려주고, elf file에..

(1) ARM Mode (2) Bit (3) mode Change CPSR ( Current Program Status Register ) Figures representing various CPSRs 1. Pipleline when PC value changes When the pc is in the execute stage, the PC contains the next address of the original pc. Therefore, if an exception occurs at the time of the service, the address included in the LR is -4Byte of the current address. Of course, it's a story in ARM mo..

(1) Integrated circuit IC stands for "integrated circuit," which is a miniaturized electronic circuit that can be used to perform various functions in electronic devices. One common type of IC that uses flip-flops and latches is a "sequential logic circuit." A flip-flop is a circuit that can store a single bit of information, either a 0 or a 1. There are several different types of flip-flops, bu..

1. Hardware This circuit is the circuit that drives usb_comn/ when the control signal is inserted into CHIP1. If you draw a logic circuit with two bit adders as transistors, you can draw it as follows. 2. Signal & Frequency A signal refers to a physical quantity that varies with time or space, carrying information that can be interpreted by an observer. Signals can be represented as a combinatio..